Release notes: DataMatch Enterprise
DME Versions
Version 3.9.0 (Aug 17, 2022)
- Added memory check
- Fixed CWE 327
- Fixed scheduler final export settings
Version 3.8.19 (June 29, 2022)
- Added Redshift connector
- DevExpress libraries updated to ver. 21.2.7
Version 3.8.11 (May 25, 2022)
- Disabled Redshift connector
Version 3.7.6 (Feb 25, 2022)
- Snowflake data connector added
- Summary report updates: Chord diagram, headers
- Pattern list migration feature added
- Data profiler speed improvement
- Oracle - Retain DB data types
- Server license issue fixed / License check
- Security flaw fixes - Veracode
- Minor UI fixes
- Startup latency Splash Screen
- Pattern builder issue (new pattern not retained)
- Export error issue (Use columns feature caused export failure)
- Oracle Bulk Copy issue (restored the feature)
- Security flaw fixed (CWE ID 256, 259)
- Address verification fix (memory leaks, #10937)
- Project opening data refresh issue
- Address Verification: blank secondary number
- Pattern Builder: pattern migration issue
- Address Verification: data standardization tab issue
- Filtered data matching issue
- Address Verification: Canadian addresses issue
Version 3.5.1 (Aug 12, 2021)
- Updated nicknames and gender database
Version 3.4.6 (June 29, 2021)
- Fixed the bug: Canada map files missing in ProgramData DME folder
Version 3.4.5 (June 25, 2021)
- Temp data folder: no warning when user specifies existing folder with possible contents.
- Pattern Builder: incorrect patterns for Letter/Not Letter regexes ([A-z]/[^A-z]).
- WordSmith: blank separators string treated as a whitespace
Version 3.4.4 (April 13, 2021)
- Added Canada map in Data Profiling
- Fixed the bug: Data Standardization - Incorrect Address type parsing
- Fixed the bug: Match Results - Incorrect values in grouping
Version 3.4.0 (Dec 18, 2020)
- Added logging steps to Data Standardization feature
- Added logging steps to Matching
- Added logging steps to Final Export
- Added feature to merge all unmapped columns under Match Definitions
- Added copy column feature to Data Import
- Improved ZIP code parsing logic under Data Profile
- Added default value of Group Level under Match Definitions
- Added logging steps to Data Standardization feature
- Added logging steps to Matching
- Added logging steps to Final Export
- Added feature to merge all unmapped columns under Match Definitions
- Added copy column feature to Data Import
- Improved ZIP code parsing logic under Data Profile
- Added default value of Group Level under Match Definitions
- Fixed the bug: Moving old project files gives an error, backward compatibility issue
- Fixed the bug: AccuZip Output has extra white spaces at the end of the output
Version 3.3.9 (Sept 18, 2020)
- Fixed the bug encountered while checking the row, activating it & moving it to the top doesn't save the setting.
- Fixed the corrupted export into Data Library from Match Results tab
Version 3.3.3
- Added hotfix related to Windows update .NET KB4565633
Version 3.2.53 (April 27, 2020)
- Fixed the bug encountered: Passwords are hidden
- Fixed the bug encountered: EULA changed
Version 3.2.53 (April 27, 2020)
- Fixed the bug encountered: Passwords are hidden
- Fixed the bug encountered: EULA changed
Version 3.2.43 (Feb 3, 2020)
- Added a new field type in Wordsmith called Character Length
- Added Export Filtered Data under Data Cleansing and Standardization
- Enhanced ZIP code field type so that it can handle Canadian ZIP codes
- Fixed the error encountered while performing final export: Index was outside the bounds of the array
- Fixed the bug encountered while exporting to data library and overwriting the existing table: Cancel button does not work
- Fixed the error encountered: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection
- Fixed the error encountered while exporting to SQL server: Problem: Incorrect syntax near '.2'
Version 3.2.42 (Jan 17, 2020)
- Fixed the bug encountered when Determine Master Record did not work
- Fixed the error encountered while exporting to Data Library: field: GroupID_ already exists
Version 3.2.41 (Jan 8, 2020)
- Fixed the bug occurred while matching empty values
- Fixed the bug encountered: 100% matching with blank value winner
Version 3.2.40 (Dec 18, 2019)
- Fixed the bug encountered while starting DME from the command line and scheduler: custom match definitions settings are applied and not the default ones
Version 3.2.39 (Dec 3, 2019)
- Updated the logic for exporting data to databases
Version 3.2.33 (Oct 22, 2019)
- Fixed the error: template loading kept the Replace values in upper case according to loading file
Version 3.2.32 (Oct 1, 2019)
- Fixed the error: Seguridad Atlas - OLA DB Profiling Error
Version 3.2.29 (Sept 2, 2019)
- Fixed the bug to prevent setup continuation from running if DME or Agent processes are being executed
- Updates check and version notification is enabled by default now starting from version 3.2.25
- Fixed import emails underline issue in Excel 2007
- Fixed the issue encountered while exporting to Tableau
- Fixed the issue with column filtering for bulk copy
- Fixed the critical error incurred while saving DME project: There is not enough space on disk
- Fixed the bug that occurred while exporting filtered data and an incorrect folder was opened
- If SQL query results are all blanks (not NULL), it now shows results as blank, rather than adding trailing spaces
- Fixed the bug encountered while exporting to Oracle: Identitifer is too long. Now maximum identifier can be 20 chars
Version 3.2.25
- Added Save project message on Data Import
- Disabled the ability to run two instances of DME
- Added new connection error messages during data import
- Fixed the error occurred while refreshing the list of 'Data Source Name' after deleting the data source
- Fixed issue incurred while refreshing definitions after removing old data sources and importing new data
- Fixed issue incurred while refreshing definitions after removing old data sources and importing new data
- Fixed the error incurred while exporting filtered data to excel (.xlsx)
- Fixed the error incurred while running DME via shortcut, app icon or as Administrator
- Added file path for filtered data after restoring from Version History
- Fixed the critical error: "Import Fixed Width Text File"
- Disabled editing "Data Exploration" under Data Profile
- Fixed the Wordsmith refresh issue under Data Cleansing and Standardization
- Fixed critical error when using AV fields after uninstalling CASS files
- Fixed the cancel error incurred while analyzing stats under Match Results
- Fixed the cancel error incurred under Match Summary Report
- Fixed the Error of displays count records under Match Results
- Fixed the bug incurred while overwriting data to a library
- Fixed the display license expiration under Scheduler
- Fixed the error with creating a summary report under Scheduler
- Fixed the display of the Back, Next, and Cancel buttons
- Fixed the issue with empty address data path and geo data path
- Fixed issue related to retrieving project description
- Fixed the error with cancel refresh
Version 3.2.6 (Mar 15, 2019)
- Added the functionality to save filtered data
- Added Notes Column under Data Profile and Data Standardization
- Allowed exporting of filtered data with Filter Editor under Data Standardization
- Added 'Auto-Type' button under Data Standardization, which makes automatic suggestions related to field types
- Added progress bar functionality under Data Import
- Added MDs column to Match Results so that user can see every definition that was a match to the record
- Added a new Description Field while creating new project
- Added ranges for numeric and data/time values under Data Profile
- Under Version History, focus is now set to the opened project by default
- Added fast export to Excel on string format
- Added menu scroll if the screen is resized under Data Standardization
- Updated DME minimum screen size to 800x600
- Changed "AB Pencil Settings" icon size and corrected text error
- Added Count record for Total/Filtered data under Data Standardization
- Added "Most Popular" option
- By default, the focus is now set on Data Table under Data Import
- Fixed the movement through the tables of data sources under Data Import
- Fixed the message text under Address Verification
- Fixed auto populating the JSON path field added while exporting data to JSON
- Fixed the bug encountered in Scheduler: Cannot write to directory
- Fixed the issue about adding source to the project from Data Library when disk space is running low
- Fixed the issue to restore the project from version history
- Fixed the bug when address verification module is disabled if another user on the same computer is running DME
- Display the number of records in groups under Summary Report
- Fixed the numbering of groups under Match Results
- Fixed the bug: Description column has library or regular expression
- Fixed the issue with resizing the screen under Data Profile
- Fixed screen resolution issues
Version 3.2.3 (Feb 18, 2019)
- Fixed the issue with Group ID in Filter Editor while performing final export
- Fixed the issue that is encountered while user is deleting CASS files and blocking DME workflow
Version (Jan 25, 2019)
- Fixed match scoring issue: The match results should not depend on the order of the criteria (whether it is first exact/fuzzy or first fuzzy/exact)
- Fixed the error: System.OutOfMemoryException by adding some cleanup logic to Profile controls
Version (Jan 18, 2019)
- Data Import" Added filter for importing *.txt and *.prn files only
- Added a ban on the use of the reserved word “_header” in the file name.
- Display empty histograms for string data in data profile histograms
- Fixed issue with tapping Remove Project
- Fixed issue encountered with Data Sources, where a data source was renamed
- Fixed the context menu for Data Standardization
- Disabled multiple choices for text files
- Fixed critical error on Data Standardization tab if the data was filtered in "Data Import"
- Fixed issue with data import: Deleting a filtered data source
- Fixed issue encountered while adding data source to the library
- Fixed the error incurred while transitioning tabs
- Added a check for symbols (\ /:*?"<>| ) in column names
- Added check import Fixed Width Text File (*.txt, *.prn)
- Fixed issue with replacing an existing file during export
- Fixed the issue with the width of records while importing data
- Fixed the issue encountered while importing a demlimited text file that had a space as a separator in *.txt
Version (Nov 19, 2018)
- Functionality added for progress bar
- Added ability to restore project from backup
- Implemented the Salesforce connector
- Added details about the environment information
- Added ability to select output columns in the Pattern builder
- Added Proper Case Settings
- Improved the visual interface
- Added the product information
- Added ability to enable/disable vocabulary
- Fixed the issue with long license key string. Copying key into .txt file should not display the key on several rows
Version 3.1.12 (Oct 12, 2018)
- Added new button for Export Filtered Data in formats: *.CSV, *.XLSX, *.XLS, *.PDF formats
- Included to the name AutosaveProfile
- Improved the speed for API Live Search Demo when matching 30-40 millions of records
- Fixed the bug: No notification is shown when user tries to remove an opened project
- Resolved issue with CData connector and ID column
- Solved the problem with the closing of the project during the standardization
- Resolved the issue with ending space in the column name, which caused column to lose mapping and show no results
- Fixed the issue: create a new column with Wordsmith correctly
- Fixed CData connector problem: Ampersand deliminating text string when importing
- Fixed the bug: Group Level and Cross Column showed no results
- Fixed the error encountered in API - LiveSearchTwoTables: the last empty record has hidden
- Fixed the error in Wordsmith: pressing the Clear button deletes the data and the loading file name
- The Records count in group in "Match result" tab is displayed according to the specified settings "Max matches per result group"
- Fixed the error" No additional (temporary project) files appear in the project list
- Fixed the profiling process of the SQL tables that contain columns that belong to type 'uniqueidentifier'
- The Cancel button on Standardization tab now works correctly when user have small amount of disk space
- Fixed the error: While profiling one data source. User automatically redirected on data source with results
- Added notification. "Please, select valid Wordsmith file" when loading data in Wordsmith
- Data Sources are redefined without error
- Added case sensitive functionality to characters to replace under standardization
- Updated the maximum value of Group Level = 100
- Update in match results: The valuation is the same for DME groups, DME pairs, Jaro Winkler algorithms
- When small amount of disk space is encountered, click Cancel while generating data profile, the operation will be cancelled successfully without any error message
- The system patterns are shown under System in Pattern Builder
- Regex result created correctly when the "Make Pattern" button is pressed again
- Fixed error while clicking Show Auto Filter Row under Match Definitions tab
- The maximum total weight below is now recalculated under Match Definitions tab
- Added a warning on uploading a new CASS file and selecting V type on standardization. Warning: Transformation is only available in DME version with address verification.
- Fixed the bug with pattern designer settings were not applied correctly to the selected field
- Undo/Undo All/Redo Buttons are all disabled if the Match Results are empty
- Enhanced fuzzy matching algorithm for improved accuracy
- Improved UI messaging
- All the fields that take part in matching are now automatically included in match results
- Added Sort and Group by options for Data Cleansing tab
- Fixed the error that occurred during a file import while importing empty data file to shared data: System.OutOfMemoryException.Added
- Removed the checkbox for Use Deprecated Fuzzy
- Made 'Max matches per record' always visible
- Made 'Max matches per result group' always visible
- Added hidden button
- Project opening is repaired
- Fixed the errors while using Pattern Builder menu
- Updated Wordsmith templates correctly
- Allow column mapping with double right click of mouse, without raising an error
- Fixed bug for showing Match Results by exact criteria and correctly displaying Group scoring
- Context menu has a button for Show Auto Filter Row
- When a data source file is removed from project, it will now be removed from project folder as well
- Changed the words "Use grid Columns" to "Export Only Columns In Grid"
- Added an option to set the export path correctly
- Count column now recalculates automatically and is not changeable
- Acceptance criteria for the client's XML data source: Row Scan Depth = 1000000; Generate Schema Files = Never; Location is empty
- The Pattern Builder menu fixed
- Fix the error: The cancel button hides the status bar
- Fixed the error: If user tries to delete Priority, then value should be set to minimum which is 0
- Fixed the issue with Priority: the first condition is the one whose priority is higher (min=0, max=100)
- Fixed GUI bug in Match Results and Matching
- Fixed the export to a folder with restricted access permissions
- Fixed the error encountered during password encryption
- Fixed error when launching application on Windows Server 2012
- Fixed the bug: Consecutive failure of Scheduled Task
- Fixed the profiling speed that varied from 3.5 to 5.5 minutes
Version (Aug 13, 2018)
- If common data files are missing, it will now show a notification
- Fixed the bug: If Match Results are empty, Redo button remains disabled
- Fixed the conflict that occurs when a name field has a dot
- If Address data path is empty, fix the bug so that user can type/find path in Application Settings form
- Fixed the bug: menu tabs remain disabled when standardization is running
- Fix the bug that occurred while connecting to Salesforce
- When demo is expired, show "Close Application" instead of "Continue with demo"
- Fixed the Autogenerate report functionality in Match Definitions tab
- Changed DME error log title to "DME Error Log"
- Updated the Publisher from Unknown to PE LLC
- Added a user-friendly message box to display errors incurred. The error description will now be logged in a text file
- Added an option for configuring DME updates (you can now turn them on or off as needed)
- Fixed deprecated versus default fuzzy matching results
- Fixed the error that pops up while running DME on 32-bit OS Windows 7
- Fixed the bug: intalled DME's 2nd and 3.x versions, uninstalled 2nd version, but DME 3.x fails to run
- Fixed the bug: broken projects are skipped on Data Import tab and no critical error is shown
- Fixed the issue with cancelling Data Profile as it is being generated
- Fixed issue with opening of corrupted projects. Now, a message dialog is shown that the project is corrupted
- Fixed GUI issues inluding: Legends on Match Results tab show up broken and the Language field on Application Settings form is messed up
- Fixed the bug: Dropdown's tooltip doesn't close even after closing the form
- Fixed the critical error that was incurred while creating a new project
- Fixed the issue with progress bar
Change Types
- New
- Fix
- Enhance