Docs Category: DataMatch Enterprise Server


Our command-line version allows to run a prepared project and give the user a wide option to export results in various data tables.

DME Server Help Documentation


This version is intended for running DataMatch Enterprise (further DME) as a command-line tool. DME Server allows to process existing projects in background mode without GUI, just using Windows command prompt or running it from another custom user application.

GUI Mode

If you run DME Server without command line parameters, the application will start in familiar GUI mode like a regular DME version. In this mode, you can create a new project, edit existing ones, define transformations and match definitions. Saying it simpler, in this stage, you can prepare a project for running in automated mode.

Command-Line mode

You can also process the existing DataMatch project in a fully automated mode.  Among prerequisites, the next conditions should be satisfied for the processing project:

  • One or more data sources should be imported;
  • Transformation should be defined if you want to export just transformed data;
  • One or more match definitions should be determined if you want to export match results, summary report,s and/or final results.

Command-line usages

Utility mode has the next syntax:


-p <ProjectName> -o <OutputFormat> -f <FileName> -c <ConnectionString> -t <TableName> [ -r -em -et -ef ]

Optional parameters are enclosed into the square brackets.

There are 2 fundamentally different export formats:

  • Export to file;
  • Export to a database.

But these export types are similar. For file-based export a flag –f should be defined with full file name; for exporting to DB –c argument with the correctly formatted connection string.

If you run DataMatch executable file with the –h parameter you’ll see detailed help information with an example of usage (see fig. 1)

Figure 1. Command-line screenshot with command-line arguments description.

In table 1 you can find a full command-line arguments list with their explanations.

Table 1. DME command-line arguments description.

Parameter Obligatory Value
–h Show help information
–p + <ProjectName> Defines source

DME project. <ProjectName> – Full path to Data Match Enterprise project you want to process (*.dmeproj)

–o + <OutputFormat> Defines output format for exporting data. <OutputFormat> – One of the next export format types:

  • Excel
  • Excel2007
  • CSV
  • DBase
  • FixedWidthTextFile
  • XML
  • SqlServer
  • Mysql
  • Odbc
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • Salesforce
  • OleUniversal
–f <FileName> Defines output file name for exporting results. If you want to export data to DB, this parameter can be missed.

<FileName> – Output file name where you want to export your data. This parameter is used for file-based export only.

–c <ConnectionString> Defines connection string to export destination DB. If you intend to export data into a file this parameter can be missed.

<ConnectionString> – Connection string to destination DB. If you export data to DB, <FileName> parameter is ignored.

–t + <TableName> Defines output DB table name or sheet name for Excel export.

<TableName> – Table name for exported data. It can be table name for DB, Sheet name for Excel, etc.

–r If this parameter is defined data source will be reloaded from the source.
–em Export matched data.
–et Export transformed data.
–ef Perform final export.